Thursday 19 August 2010

Marilyn Monroe

The other week it was really sunny so I decided to put on my flowery skirt with my white kitten heels and go outside. Now this skirt is one of those skirts that if theres even a little breeze it blows up in your face, so before I got changed I made sure there was not one drop of wind outside.

So heres me outside just closed the door behind me and im walking down the street looking in every shop window to make sure my skirt isnt tucked into my knickers or something like that, im walking along enjoying the sunshine and i go into Tesco just along the road from the flat and BAM! skirt is up in face right in the doorway of Tesco. I forgot there is always a fan by the door. Luckily i don't think that many people saw, apart from the people standing in the queue to pay, the people standing at the traffic lights oh and the people in their cars waiting at the traffic lights.

I felt like i had rein acted Marilyn Monroe when she stands on the air vent, but i didnt look quite as glamorous.

Needless to say I did my shopping quickly and power walked back to the flat, and it was just my luck that two neds came up to me, one on his little push bike that he probably nicked from a five year old and the other hung back while his friend spoke to me.

"Arite darling your looking gorgeous today, not that you dont look gorgeous everyday"

"Haha thanks" Im looking for my keys in my bag at this point and just as i was away to put the key in the door i dropped the keys, and just as i was bending down to pick them up i hear

"You meant to do that didnt you" as the ned winked at me, I just laughed and unlocked the door and ran up to my flat.

I havent worn that skirt since.

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